Server Technology C-8HFE-C203 Metered FSTS C-8HF2/E 6.6kW - 14.6kW (8) C19 outlets

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Part Code: C-8HFE-C203
The Server Technology Metered Fail-Safe™ provides fail-over redundancy to single or dual-power supply servers and network devices. Exclusive to the Metered Fail-Safe is its ability to carry loads on the A circuit, B circuit or both. Similar, but unlike a common automatic transfer switch, the Metered Fail-Safe unit is unique in that it contains two (2) in-feeds and two (2) banks of outlets. For example he "A" in-feed routinely powers just the A1-4 outlets, and the "B" in-feed routinely powers just the B1-4 outlets. However, if the "A" in-feed goes down, the "B" in-feed powers all 8 outlets and the same if the "B" in-feed goes down, the "A" in-feed powers all the outlets.
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